Beldocs Documentaries for Kids and Youth 2021 – call for projects

Industry - 27.10.2020.

The call for projects for Beldocs Kids & Youth 2021 is now open. This 2-day development workshop for documentaries for younger audiences will have an intimate setting of the teams of six selected projects currently in development. All projects applying should have a focus on younger audiences as their target. The aim of the workshop is to strengthen the quality of participating projects and provide the teams with the best possible route for international funding and distribution. The workshop will also accept a number of participants without a project. They can take part in the whole workshop day and gain knowledge from the discussions. Only difference is not having their own project developed.

The first day of the workshop is a full day seminar open to a wider public to serve as an inspiration for creators, broadcasters, distributors and curators of documentaries and other educational content for young audiences.  The aim is to inspire, encourage and motivate all sides of the documentary sector to strengthen the quality of documentaries for younger audiences not only in terms of the content but also in the ways of engaging and reaching this audience segment.

To apply for the workshop please fill out the application form HERE. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2021.




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