Beldocs Industry application deadline extended until 15 March!
Industry - 02.03.2020.
The deadline for applications for various programs of Beldocs Industry has been extended until 15 March 2020!
Projects in development, works in progress, rough cuts from Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Kosovo*, Albania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, are eligible to apply. Projects should be either main production or co-production of countries listed above.
Beldocs in Progress
Beldocs in Progress (BIP) International – a platform to present international documentary projects from Western Balkans and Post-Soviet Media countries to international industry.
Beldocs Academy
Beldocs announces open call for the authors and/or producers of feature documentary films in early stage of production to submit their projects for 3 full day course with international tutors.
Documentaries for Kids & Youth Development Workshop
Beldocs is looking for fresh, innovative and edgy projects in development with intentions about telling real life stories to younger target audience.
Serbian Docs in Progress
Serbian Docs In Progress is a platform to present documentary projects from Serbia to international industry.
Beldocs Industry 2020 will be held in the scope of 13th Beldocs International Documentary Film Festival in Belgrade in May 2020. Beldocs Industry is co-funded by European Union, through Creative Europe MEDIA.
*All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation’s Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.