Beldocs XR Academy is an intense 3 days program for artists, directors and creative minds that are interested in exploring the emerging realm of immersive storytelling. With a focus on VR and 360° video the XR Academy is a unique opportunity  to  develop  ideas  through  a  creative  approach  to  immersive technology. The intense 3 days program offers space for creativity, knowledge transfer and networking with the goal to offer to the participant a fruitful and enriching learning experience.
Workshops, lectures and one to one  mentoring  will  provide  the  participants  with  the  basic  theoretical  and practical  techniques  in  order  to  take  their  project  a  step  forward  into development. Beldocs XR Academy provides possibility for the authors to get feedback from experts as well as to find partners for further development of their projects.

XR Academy Projects 2024


Director Djurdja Penev

100 is a 6DoF VR interactive installation that allows users to explore the space of New Belgrade on the border of the known. Neon typographic signs, former advertisements of artisans, represent a monument to old elements in a new space. This digital urban landscape of brutalist architecture invites users to intuitively explore the space and question the transformations of the relation between architecture and society.

Original language: Serbian
Length: 5 min
Expected date of delivery : 09/2024
Contact details:


Director Jovan Mijušković

The story follows the mission of the ship ILINDEN 2.0 and Maya (24), the only person living on the ship. Following a clearly defined trajectory of travel, they encounter a mysterious, luminous celestial body whose light pulsates. Maya’s curiosity is aroused. She sends a report to the Committee, an AGI system guiding the whole mission which prompts her to continue with the travel plan. Maya decides to follow her own instincts, ignoring the Committee’s warnings. She lands at dawn on a surreal planet in the process of dispersion. She discovers concrete megastructures with futuristic shapes. Each of the monuments will reveal, part by part, the story behind the places where Jasenovac, Barutana, Tjentiste and Kozara are located. While interacting with these structures, she experiences visions that reveal to her fragments of human history and the end of civilisation.

Original language: English
Length: 15 minutes
Expected date of delivery : 12/2025
Contact information:, ​​


Director Milan Antic

In a desolate, post-apocalyptic world, the remnants of humanity persist in the form of avatars. These survivors have not only persisted but have evolved into a new form of existence — a fusion of the digital and the physical. Once mere projections of human consciousness, these digital entities now possess a synthetic body, an intricate blend of code and matter. At the heart of their existence lies the enigmatic bluish light, a marvel of artificial intelligence that not only governs their actions but also serves as a bridge between the digital and physical aspects of their being. This glowing circle as a symbol of a profound connection between the synthetic and the natural, pulsates with the collective consciousness of the avatars, a repository of memories, desires, and the remnants of the old world.

Original language: English
Length:  5 min
Expected date of delivery : 12/2024
Contact information:

Dok Leipzig XR Award

One project will be awarded free accreditation to DOK Leipzig and access to DOK Exchange, the XR conference and showcase.

Beldocs Industry Days program is supported by the European Union through Creative Europe MEDIA.



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