Beldocs Industry call for projects – DEADLINE EXTENDED

Festival - 16.03.2022.

IDFF Beldocs is inviting filmmakers from Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia), Baltic States and Post-Soviet Media countries (Georgia,, Moldova, Ukraine) to apply for different sections of Beldocs Industry 2022, which will take place on 11-14 May 2022. Projects should be either main production or co-production of the above-mentioned countries.

Beldocs in Progress pitching platform to present compelling and visually strong documentary projects in production or post-production to international industry representatives.

The projects participating in Beldocs in Progress will compete for the money award of Al Jazeera Balkans and numerous prizes provided by Beldocs partners – Thessaloniki International Documentary Film Festival, Institute of Documentary Film, Pitch the Doc and others.

Beldocs XR Academy is a 3-day training workshop for the authors of XR projects (documentary, art and/or eductional projects) aimed at possibilities of using XR projects and development of participants’ projects.

Beldocs Kids & Youth is a 2-day development workshop for fresh and innovative projects in various stages of development and production telling real life stories to a young audience.

To apply, please fill out the application form HERE. Application deadline is 15 March 2022! For more information please contact Beldocs IDFF Head of Industry Ieva Ūbele at


*All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation’s Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.


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