New Beldocs IDFF Director

Festival - 01.09.2020.

Statement by Mladen Vušurović, the founder and the director of the Beldocs festival on the appointment of Mara Prohaska Marković to the position of a new Festival Director 

After twelve years of being at the head of the Beldocs Festival as its founder I have decided to appoint our long-running executive director and the chief producer Mara Prohaska Marković to the position of Festival Director for one and only reason – Mara is going to do this work, I am sure, with a greater passion and vision, commitment and skill than I would do it now.

This news is truly welcome primarily for me, as I have been at the head of the Festival for twelve years, carrying out the mission of promoting and enhancing the Serbian documentary film production, developing audience and social reasonableness, empathy and closeness which are communicated by documentary film.

In accomplishing that task, I was by no means alone. I had an unreserved support of the Festival team, as well as Serbian and international authors who trusted us that we would do a good job of Festival promotion and who would enthusiastically come to Beldocs to enjoy Festival days and Festival screenings, so this makes an excellent moment to express my deep gratitude and loyalty to all film authors, producers and distributors who decided to hold  Serbian, and many times, regional and world premieres precisely at Beldocs. The news is a happy one also because Beldocs continues its existence, mission and vision with even greater ambition and an established objective to find its place, within next three years, among twenty most important documentary film festivals in Europe. I am certain that Mara and a numerous, exceptionally qualified Festival team will continue year on year the tradition of increase and development of festival activities, with an enhanced educational mission of developing festival audience.

Let’s wish Mara Prohaska Marković and the entire Festival team success and good luck in further steering of the Festival towards ever new goals and accomplishments.

Mladen Vušurović, the founder of Beldocs IDFF 

Statement by Mara Prohaska Markovic on her appointment as the new director of the Beldocs festival

Preparations for this 13th Beldocs edition were according to all criteria particularly exceptional, so we might have missed the right moment to release this news earlier, and now, when it is happening after all, we all feel slightly at loss. I do not know whether I can say that this news makes me happy, but I am certainly honoured and I have always felt privileged that I was given a chance to take part in creation and development of Beldocs, to be at the very source of creative documentary film, to develop professionally through that experience and for all that I am very grateful to Mladen. I am especially grateful for his giving something as precious as Beldocs to the city where I was born and where I decided to live.

Beldocs has an exceptionally professional and dedicated team and, on behalf of all of them, I would like to say that we are going to continue to work on promotion of the Serbian, European and world documentary filmmaking and development of audience in this field, we are going to continue to accomplish the Beldocs’ vision and the mission of documentary filmmaking – to immerse us, people, into the lives of others, to walk along their paths, to see the world from a different perspective and to be more perceptive individuals who will shape a more perceptive society.

Mara Prohaska Marković, Beldocs IDFF Director


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