Jadosnuri Mta

Mariam Chachia, Nik Voigt — GeorgiaPoland — 2023 — 74'

This is the personal story of Mariam, who is haunted by a recurring nightmare for 7 years. One day she goes to meet the monster of her dreams – Abastumani Tuberculosis Sanatorium, and she falls in love with the majestic old building that tells stories of Georgia’s past. But one day a Georgian oligarch decides to buy the building and his actions will change history forever.

DirectorsMariam Chachia, Nik Voigt
Producers Mariam Chachia, Ewa Szwarc
Director of photographyNik Voigt
EditorNik Voigt, Mariam Chachia
MusicPaul (Foda) Fothergill
FestivalsBest Film at Docs Bacrelona 2023, Silver Apricot at Golden Apricot, Young Onion at MakeDox
Language Georgian
Category Prime time

Serbian premiere


400.00 rsd

In stock


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