Telenovela en gris y multicolor

Filip Martinović — Serbia — 2021 — 63’

Filip, a young man born in Belgrade, Serbia and raised in Barcelona embarks on a journey visiting places in search of his roots. He begins by wondering where his father’s ashes should be. In this search for answers, Filip meets Asha, an Ethiopian girl with a tragic past. Together they will go to remote places in search of the origin of Filip’s family. Chasing the past, Filip and Asha find themselves in soap opera situations.

DirectorFilip Martinovic
Producers Filip Martinovic, Nikola Savicevic
Director of photographyMarko Milovanovic
Editing Ana Zugic, Olga Kosaric
Script Filip Martinovic
SoundLuka Barajevic
Music Patch, Milan Andjelovic
Category Serbian Competition Programme

Serbian premiere


300.00 rsd

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