The Anticipation of Rain

Naima Karim — Saudi ArabiaBangladeshThe NetherlandsUnited KingdomGermanySwitzerlandIreland — 2022 — 7’

Bangladeshi artist Naima Karim was paralyzed by a virus and for a year could do nothing but look at the sky. She then experienced the monsoon even more intensely than usual. For the three-dimensional VR experience The Anticipation of Rain, Karim painted a landscape along a boundary of coastal forest and beach, where this meteorological spectacle takes place at an accelerated pace. A rich sound design and two specially designed scents complete the experience.

Entrance to the exhibition is free. Booking on the LINK.

DirectorNaima Karim
ScriptNaima Karim
ProducersMitch Turnbull for Creative Solutions Program, Ithra
DesigneNaima Karim
AnimationRichard Tongeman
SoundHenrik Oppermann
DeveloperRichard Tongeman for Far Few Giants, Jason Storey for Darker Smile
VR ArtistsNaima Karim, Lorna Inman
PerformerAndreas Wilhelm
Language English
Category XR Exhibition: Immersive Reality

Regional premiere


0.00 rsd

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