Look What You Made Me Do

Coco Schrijber — The Netherlands — 2022 — 81'

In Look What You Made Me Do the main characters – Laura, Rachel and Rosalba – are serenaded with cheesy love songs about broken hearts. In real life though, it’s their bones that are broken. Laura, Rachel and Rosalba took the blows – until they said: enough! For some, that moment came quickly, for others only after ten years. Nineteen-year-old Laura grabbed a knife, Rachel a gun, and Italian Rosalba mixed poison into meatballs.

DirectorCoco Schrijber
ScriptCoco Schrijber
ProducerIris Lammertsma
Director of photographyTon Peters NSC
MusicMarc Lizier
EditorGys Zevenbergen NCE
SoundVincent Sinceretti
FestivalsIDFA 2022, One World IFF 2023, FIFDH 2023
Language Dutch English Finnish Italian
Category Eurimages Audentia Award nominees Fireworks

Regional premiere


300.00 rsd

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