Emily Dickinson: 3B’s

Vlada Petrić — SerbiaUSA — 2024 — 51'

Vlada Petrić, Chair of Cinema at Harvard University and founding curator of the Harvard Film Archive, and his wife Dara Čalenić, legendary actress of the stage and screen in Yugoslavia, explored the life and work of the celebrated American poet, Emiliy Dickinson, for many decades. This documentary, 15 years in the making, is the result of their exploration.

DirectorVlada Petrić
ProducerNikolaos Nikos
Director of photographyAleksandar Lekić
Music W. A. Mozart, György Ligeti, Djuro Živković
EditorMilan Pejnović, Mary Rachel Kostreva, Joshua Cornell
Language English Serbian
Category Special Screenings

Regional premiere


400.00 rsd

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